School Uniform
We have a 'Uniform Swap' system running where we encourage parents to donate unifrom they don't need any more and to pay a nominal amount to buy second hand uniform for their children. This is part of our eco-action plan and saves wasting unifrom. If you have uniform to donate - give it to Mr Crouch outside school.
If you want to buy second hand uniform contact Maxine on 07793 546885.
Please click on the links to visit our uniform suppliers Monkhouse where you can order all logoed uniform.
Uniform Policy
We believe that the wearing of a school uniform enables children to identify
with their school, gives a sense of belonging, is practical and smart, reinforces
a positive work ethos and reduces expenditure for parents/carers.
It is expected that pupils wear school uniform every day apart from on their birthday, when they can wear non-uniform.
o All children wear the correct uniform to school
o Children feel proud to belong to the school
o Parents share the expectations of the school
What to wear:
- Navy blue collared polo shirt
- Navy blue sweatshirt / school hoodie if in Year 6 / navy blue cardigan
- Blue or grey pinafore dress / grey or black skirt
- Grey or black trousers or shorts (tailored not sports or leggings)
- Black shoes (or all black trainers without colours)
- Pupils do not have to wear uniform with a school badge on
Only on PE days should pupils should come in their PE kit.
School PE kit:
- Navy blue T-Shirt
- Navy blue sweatshirt (as they would normally wear for school)
- Navy blue, black or grey tracksuit bottoms / leggings / shorts
- Any coloured trainers
- It is expected that children wear the school uniform each day, with the appropriate footwear.
- Uniform can be purchased on line and all items except sweatshirts and cardigans may be sourced from local retailers/supermarkets.
- Second-hand items are available from the phone number above..
- On PE days pupils should come to school in blue or black shorts or jogging bottoms, a blue school PE t-shirt, a blue school jumper and trainers. Sometimes it might be necessary for pupils to bring a change of footwear and a coat, if they are working outside.
- If a child does not wear the correct uniform, a verbal or written reminder of our expectations will be communicated to the parents
- If a child arrives at school wearing inappropriate clothing which causes concern (e.g. unsuitable for the weather, too revealing, offensive/unsuitable slogans, etc) then the school will provide uniform for the child to wear for the day.
- Parents are asked to clearly label every item of school clothing with their childs's name.
- The children are responsible for taking care of their own items of uniform.
- There is a box for lost property located at the top of the steps to the hall. Any items left unclaimed are periodically displayed and then disposed of.
- If there is any reason why a child cannot wear our uniform or requires special dispensation (eg health or religious grounds) then the governors will consider sympathetically any such request from a parent.
- Pupils should not wear nail varnish or make up in school as this isn't appropriate at primary school age.
- Ear studs are allowed but no other earings
*Jeans, tracksuits, high-heeled shoes/boots, flip flops/crocks, football shirts, shirts with large slogans/logos etc. are not acceptable school wear.
NB On Health and Safety grounds, we do not allow children to wear jewellery to school. The exceptions to this are stud pierced ear-rings. We ask the children to remove these during PE lessons or, if they cannot be removed, to cover them with a plaster brought in from home. This is to prevent them from causing injury.