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School Meals - including Weekly Menus

Weekly Menus

Our school dinners are prepared at school and the children and staff love them!

Our menus run on a two weekly cycle and can be viewed below:-

Week One - Autumn Winter

Week Two - Autumn Winter

Week One - Spring Summer

Week Two - Spring Summer

The weekly cycle is continuous from wc 4th September for the whole year irrespective of holidays. Autumn Winter Menu runs September to March and Spring Summer Menu from April to July.

This is available for pupils in the following meal patterns -

School Meal ALL WEEK

School Meal MONDAYs only

School Meal FRIDAYs only

School Meal MONDAYs and FRIDAYs

A half term's notice is required for any change. Please email the school office with any changes to your child's meal pattern.


Cost and how to pay

From September 2024 School Meals will cost £2.75 per day.

Dinner money should be paid in advance using your Parent Pay login.

Please keep your account in credit as money is deducted every time a meal is taken.

Children in Classes 1 and 2 are entitled to a free school meals under the government Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme. (UIFSM)

If you are on a low income and in receipt of certain benefits, your child will be entitled to additional support as well as free school meals. You can apply for this online.

Apply for Free School Meals or call 01484 221000 and say "Free School Meals"

We would urge all eligable parents to apply as it not only provides your child with additional support but also supports the school because for every child receiving this benefit the school receives more money.


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