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PSHE - Personal, Social, Health & Economic education is taught in all classes throughout school. We have created our own long term plan adopted from one produced by the National PSHE association. We teach from the long term plan but also tackle any issues which arise in individual classes, from whole school concerns or national festivals & initiatives.

RSHE - Relationships, Sex and Health education is part of the PSHE curriculum. The relationships and health sections are compulsary; parents have the right to withdraw their children from sex education.


At Hepworth J & I School we want to provide a PSHE curriculum that focuses on developing knowledge, skills and attributes to enable pupils to live healthily, have positive and healthy relationships and live successfully in the wider world. All whilst keeping safe and learning how to make good choices. Pupils can talk freely in lessons in an atmosphere of mutual respect and are able to access PSHE and well-being support throughout school, not just in timetables lessons.

Independent, confident and resilient life long learners who are aware of risk and understand how to keep themselves and others safe.


PSHE begins in EYFS and is built upon throughout their time at Hepworth to provide them lifelong skills

A whole school approach where each year group prepares the pupils for the next step in their education.

Long term curriculum planning which leads pupils through a progression of skills and knowledge which are built upon in each class incorporating the PSHE association framework and tailored to our pupils needs.

PSHE to be time tabled in weekly lessons as well as cross curricular

Early intervention/support for pupils highlighted as a concern to enable pupils to progress well

Focus on building respect, resilience, confidence and independence across all age groups and amongst children with SEND

Each class to incorporate Zones of Regulation into their routine and an interactive display to enable self-regulation and emotional control

Pupils encouraged to be supportive of one another, manage behaviour and confident to seek help for themselves or peers if they need it.

RSHE to be incorporated into PSHE planning and lessons, as well as assemblies, special events such as anti-bullying week, internet safety etc.

Parents notified and consent sought for pupils to be taught aspects of RSHE e.g. sex education


Positive relationships in school and a feeling of belonging

Pupils will understand how to care for themselves, stay healthy and make positive choices

Pupils understand the importance of being ready to learn and being able to identify when they are not which enables them to take steps to self-regulate.  

Pupils will learn skills to build safe, caring, healthy, positive and respectful relationships.

Pupils will develop skills for life and be able to deal with challenges and responsibilities.

Pupils will understand changes which are happening to them

Pupils will have the knowledge and understanding of how to stay safe online

EYFS & KS1 Long Term Plan

KS2 Long Term Plan

EYFS Key Vocabulary

KS1 Key Vocabulary

KS2 Key Vocabulary

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