Curriculum Lead - Mrs Hinchliffe
As Computing underpins today’s modern lifestyle it is essential that all pupils gain the confidence and ability that they need in this subject, to prepare them for the
challenge of a rapidly developing and changing technological world. At Hepworth, we aim
to develop children who can use Computing in a safe and purposeful way.
The use of Computing will also enhance and extend children’s learning across the
whole curriculum whilst developing motivation and social skills.
At Hepworth J&I School, Computing is an integral part of our skills-based curriculum.
Children have access to a shared pool of laptops, ipads, and standalone computers either in class or the blue room, a variety of software and a number of apps. Each class has a class ipad for taking photographs and recording evidence, and visualisers for animation activities.
Teachers use Computing to support teaching and learning in all curriculum areas, and children are also taught Computing skills in explicit Computing skills-based lessons. The school uses the National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE) Scheme of Work (which is linked to the new National Curriculum – and is currently FREE) to support planning and teaching of Computing skills. NB ‘Teach Computing’ login.
In Computing, as with all subjects, in order to develop the continuity and progression
of teaching and learning, a balance between whole class, individual and group
work, and direct teaching, pupil investigation and skills practice is planned
throughout the school.
Foundation Stage Framework, and with a focus on the Understanding of the
World’ area of learning. Children are given regular access to a range of Computing
software and hardware as part of a child-initiated curriculum. Teachers ensure
that children are allowed to explore a range of Computing equipment, and that
children are familiar and confident with using Computing technology.
Pupils will be enthusiastic about the subject and enjoy Computing.
They will appreciate the need to ‘move with the times’.
They will develop confidence in this subject and start to apply their Computing skills and knowledge across other curriculum subjects and to a range of situations.
They will become more confident in using Computing technology and with applying the technical words they learn and their skills.
There will be a clear improvement as they progress through school preparing them for High School, further and higher education and eventually employment.